Bloodhound SSC®
ThyssenKrupp Materials’ support of Bloodhound SSC®
Never one to shy away from a challenge, ThyssenKrupp Materials (UK) are proud to be working in conjunction with the Bloodhound SSC® team, as a product sponsor on the project which is aiming to incorporate all the lessons learnt over the past 30 years from the Thrust 1, Thrust 2 and Thrust SSC® programmes.
With the ability to cover 150 metres in the blink of an eye, the Bloodhound SSC® car is faster than a speeding bullet. This amazing engineering adventure demands the very best from the Bloodhound car and in turn, demands great things from its materials.
Thanks to our ability to meet with the strict material requirements for the fastest car in the world, ThyssenKrupp Materials (UK) held the answer to the Bloodhound team’s material requirements. With long standing material expertise and experience, we are able to meet the demanding material specifications and requirements that will enable Bloodhound to achieve its goal of conquering the 1000 mph land speed record.
The relationship between ThyssenKrupp Materials (UK) and the Bloodhound SSC® team first came about when we were contacted by an engineering subcontractor who was aware of our product range and capabilities, bringing to our attention the Bloodhound SSC® project.
Our access to high performance materials and the availability which we are able to offer on these materials has meant that we have been the perfect partner for the Bloodhound team, offering a full range of products, including international grades from within the UK.
To date, we have supplied material for the chassis, some of the tooling fixtures as well as material for the car’s wheels. Each element of the car is vitally important and demands the best from its material.